Karakurt is the most dangerous representative of the
animal world, which lives in the Crimea. This species of spiders refers to the
notorious black widows (Lat. Latrodectus), which inhabit almost a third of the
globe - from Central Asia to the shores of the Mediterranean, from southern
Europe to northern Africa, as well as some parts of the Urals and the steppe
This dangerous "beast" has a rather modest
size - a female from 10 to 20 mm, and a male - a maximum of 6-7 mm. Only
females are a danger to humans. Male is unable to bite the skin of a person.
Karakurts have a completely black abdomen, often with red spots or white lines.
An important distinctive feature of black widows is the very long forepaws.
By the way, the names of the black widow, these
spiders were not accidental. After mating, the female kills the male. Further,
she is entirely engaged in the search for a new abode for the cocoon and
Where are the travelers can encounter karakurtas?
Favorite habitats of spider - virgin land, river banks,
slopes of ravines, wasteland. Karakurt likes to settle in the holes of field
mice, in stone blockages, cracks, dry heaps of old garbage. Dense grass and
shrub spider doesn’t like, just doesn’t like high humidity. It is important to
know when you go camping or looking for a place to set up a tent.
By the way, one of the features of karakurt is their
web. Basically, they weave it web vertically, like most spiders, but
For example, there is a seashore in the photo near the
Lake of Koyashskoe, in which just a huge number of Karakurts live.
It does not attack animals and humans unless it is
disturbed. The bite acts immediately: people have burning pain, already
spreading throughout the body in 10-15 minutes. Usually patients complain of
unbearable pain in the abdomen, waist, chest. Characteristic is the abrupt
tension of abdominal muscles. Among the symptoms of general poisoning:
shortness of breath, palpitations, increased heart rate, dizziness, headache,
tremor, vomiting, pallor or hyperemia of the face, sweating, a feeling of
heaviness in the thoracic or epigastric regions, exophthalmos and mydriasis.
Priapism, bronchospasm, delay in urination and defecation are also
characteristic. Psychomotor agitation in the late stages of poisoning is replaced
by deep depression, darkening of consciousness, delirium. There are deaths in
humans and farm animals.
P.I. Marikovsky suggested cauterization of the bitten
place with the flaming head of the match, but no later than two minutes after
the bite. To do this, attach 3 matches with heads to the bite and set them on
fire 4th. From heating, not having absorbed the poison is destroyed, as the
spider bites the skin with its chelicera to a depth of only 0.5 mm. In any
case, it is necessary to provide medical assistance.
The only means for neutralizing the poison of the
Karakurt is the Tashkent anti-karakurt whey.
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